Blog April 30th John, “the disciple Jesus loved”

His Story girls 1

The Mustard Seed Soul Band featuring on vocals (l to r) Kat, Nicola, Fiona and Katy

“Higher and HIgher” (J.Wilson)  Mustard Seed Soul Band from the musical “His Story” recorded and produced by Ross Gill

So how does Risen!- The Musical portray John , “ the disciple Jesus loved?” (John 13: 23) First he is the Musical’s Narrator, helping the audience to know the location of each new scene and also giving explanation and insight. (see blog April 23rd)

Of course Jesus loved all His disciples – in fact He loves everyone, but there appears to a special bond between Jesus and John, possibly because John was younger than the other disciples, possibly because the two were related, which is something I will explore next week. Some of the references to John in the Bible come before the Risen! The Musical script begins , for example that fact that he was a fisherman, the son of Zebedee who was successful enough to have hired men working for him. (Mark 1:20)  That John came from a fairly “well to do” family seem s to be endorsed by him, not only living in Galilee, but also having his own house in Jerusalem. (John 19:27) John was also known by the High Priest who, during Jesus’ trial, took him into his courtyard, whereas Peter had to wait outside (John 18: 15-16)

At the end of John’s Gospel, Peter asks Jesus what would happen to John – Peter misunderstood Jesus’ reply and so a rumour began that John would not die even though Jesus merely told Peter “If I want him to remain alive until I return what is that to you?”

In addition to his Gospel John wrote three letters included in the Bible and also The Book of Revelation. This, the Bible’s last chapter, is believed by most to have been written by John when he was an old man exiled on the island of Patmos because of his belief in Jesus.

Apart from narrating John is one of the lead roles in the Risen! – The Musical cast and, for example it is he that Mary Magdalene  first tells with Peter  that the stone has been rolled away from Jesus’ tomb; he and Peter  then running  there to see (John 20: 2-9) At the Crucifixion Jesus tells John  to look after Mary, His mother (John: 19:26)

I find it reassuring that in places such as chapter 19 verse 35 and chapter 20 verse 30 John states that he is an eye witness to that which  Jesus did and that his testimony is true. In his Gospel’s final verse he also makes it clear that if he had written everything down that Jesus did “I suppose the whole world would not have room for the books that would be written.”

John, however was by no means perfect.  In Mark’s Gospel we learn that Jesus called John and his brother James “Sons of Boanerges “which means “Sons of Thunder.” In Luke 9:54 the brothers ask Jesus if they should call fire down from heaven on some Samaritan people who had not welcomed them.

The Risen! – The Musical script has a poignant scene just after Jesus tells His disciples to make disciples of all nations- John becomes desolate as he agonises over whether he will fail Jesus as he has done before – not only for being a “Son of Thunder” but also for running away when Jesus was arrested and furthermore for having the audacity to ask Jesus if he could sit at His right side in heaven. (Mark 10:37)  I personally find it reassuring that someone as revered as St John still displayed typical human frailties and faults.

So next week – was John a relative of Jesus?

Another cover for this week’s featured song – it’s the soul classic “Higher and Higher” by Jackie Wilson – again sung by the Mustard Seed Soul Band (also featured in pic)